Are there any open-source WYSIWYG editors available?

Yes, there are several open-source WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors available that you can use in your projects. Here are a few popular ones:

1.CKEditor: CKEditor is a widely used WYSIWYG editor that provides a clean and user-friendly interface. It offers a rich set of features and supports various plugins for extending functionality. CKEditor is released under the Open Source GPL and commercial licenses.

2.TinyMCE: TinyMCE is another popular open-source WYSIWYG editor that offers a customizable and intuitive interface. It supports a wide range of features, including image uploading, media embedding, and table editing. TinyMCE is available under the LGPL or commercial licenses.

3.Quill: Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor with a modular architecture that allows you to customize and extend its functionality easily. It provides a simple and elegant user interface and supports real-time collaboration. Quill is released under the Open Source MIT license.

4.Froala Editor: Froala Editor is a feature-rich WYSIWYG editor that offers a clean and responsive design. It supports various editing options, including image and file management, tables, and code editing. Froala Editor is available under a dual-license model: MIT and commercial.

5.Summernote: Summernote is a lightweight WYSIWYG editor that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface. It supports basic text editing features and allows you to customize the toolbar. Summernote is released under the Open Source MIT license.

These are just a few examples of open-source WYSIWYG editors available. Each editor has its own set of features, customization options, and licensing terms, so you can choose the one that best fits your project requirements.

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